Sr. Geophysicist
6 days ago
QatarEnergy is an integrated national oil corporation that stands at theforefront of efforts for the long term sustainable
development,utilization and monetization of oil and gas resources in the State ofQatar.In its efforts to become one of the
best national energy companies inthe world, QatarEnergy's activities and those of its subsidiaries andjoint ventures,
encompass the entire spectrum of the oil and gas valuechain locally, regionally, and internationally.They include the
exploration, refining and production, marketing, andsale of oil and gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG), natural gas
liquids(NGL), gas to liquids (GTL) products, refined products, petrochemicals,fertilizers, steel and aluminum. As an
integrated corporation,QatarEnergy's activities also include marketing and sale of oil and gasand other various
products.QatarEnergy's operations and activities are conducted at various onshorelocations, including Doha, Dukhan and
the Mesaieed and Ras LaffanIndustrial Cities; and at various offshore areas, such as offshore oilfields production stations,
drilling platforms, Halul oil export island,and the North Field, which is the largest single non-associated gasreservoir in the
world covering an area of 6,000 square kilometers. Theutilization of this field’s massive reserves has become a
primarynational goal to continue the development and prosperity of the country.QatarEnergy pays the utmost attention to
the health and safety of itsemployees, contractors, visitors and the local communities where itoperates. From drilling to
construction, operations to decommissioning,QatarEnergy's health, safety and environment policy forms an integralpart of
the corporation’s daily business and long term planning.QatarEnergy is committed to contribute to a better future by
meetingtoday’s economic needs, while safeguarding our environment and resourcesfor generations to come. Thriving on
innovation and excellence,QatarEnergy is bound to the highest levels of sustainable human, socio-economic, and
environmental development in Qatar and beyond.
**Primary purpose of job**
Plan, supervise, coordinate, and control the collection, analysis and evaluation of geophysical data for well and reservoir
studies in order to generate appropriate field development plans. Provide geophysical support for QatarEnergy oil fields.
Conduct reservoir management activities. Participate in interdisciplinary reservoir study teams. Develop and mentor less
experienced staff. Review technical work performed by geophysicists.
**Experience & Skills**
Principal Accountabilities
1. Plan and supervise the acquisition, analyses/interpretation of geophysical, geological and petrophysical data to
determine presence, quality and type of hydrocarbons, fluid contacts, rock matrix constituents and properties from wells and
seismic for updating geological models, steering well profiles and for integrated reservoir/field development studies.
2. Supervise and develop geophysical descriptions of formations, characterize hydrocarbon reservoirs and build static
models for reservoir simulation and field development planning.
3. Plan and develop geophysical inputs into the short term (drill/replacement well projects and drilling operations), medium
term (reservoir voidage management) and long term (field development and asset value optimization) activities.
4. Initiate and co-ordinate in-house, laboratory, and specialist consultant activities within the discipline.
5. Establish parameters, methodology and participate in the geophysical, geological and petrophysical contribution to
field-wide hydrocarbon reservoir studies related to field performance and development, which determines economic viability
of the venture/operations to influence management decision to pursue development or not.
6. Plan, identify and recommend new drilling locations and subsurface targets for producers/injectors/observers to optimize
field development.
7. Advise and follow up on drilling operations and use the drilling results to improve and update the geophysical models.
8. Review and participate in evaluating Stock Tank Oil Initially in Place (STOIIP) and update geological models periodically
as a result of ongoing drilling, production depletion and test data analyses. Incorporate findings into Annual Review of
Reserves and updates review as necessary.
9. Coordinate management of seismic acquisition and processing contracts.
10. Plan and lead on-the job coaching and development of Qatari staff in the discipline.
Decision Making Authority
- Within broad guidelines, set by the Team Head, is answerable for their actions, and for the consequences of them. Work
requires mínimal validation by Team Head.
- Recommend development plans (to which the incumbent may have initiated and been the major contributor) which entail
expenditure of tens of millions of QR and generate some hundreds